Urban Agriculture Consortium
“Citizens want ambitious action for greener, healthier, fairer food and farming… *”
The Urban Agriculture Consortium (UAC) has been working with partners across the UK to explore and promote new ideas and practical solutions which will amplify and accelerate the development of agroecological, resilient food growing in urban and peri-urban areas.
The innovative projects and collaborations UAC has supported are detailed here.
Emerging work on, for example, Reimagining the Greenbelt, and Landed Community Kitchens indicates our direction of travel – funding permitting.
In 2024 there is a growing consensus that the current food system needs radical change to adapt to climate change, and to address many issues around food security and food justice. We support calls for “… a comprehensive and coherent suite of food policies to improve public health, boost farm resilience and protect nature and the environment…”*
Our next Policy Influencers Network Group (PING) is on 21 November 2024 which will celebrate our work to date, and explore emerging strands of work which we feel may have the most impact in the future development of urban and peri-urban food growing in the coming decade. We’d like to produce a co-designed “Manifesto for Urban Agriculture” which can be adopted and delivered by any of our wide range of partners. More details soon.
If you’d like to support us, please get in touch!
* from The Hope Farm Statement, May 2024
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