News October 2023

UAC is now in our fourth year.  Our initial core grant from Esmée Fairbairn has come to an end,  so we are pleased to report that we are still here (!) and evolving with a patchwork mix of projects, grants and contracts, and we are partners in a number of co-designed initiatives across the UK… more details below.

But we will need core funds for our UK-wide, and regional coordination roles. We are drafting a Lottery bid, but if you know of any benign philanthropists or donors we’d be happy to talk to them ????

We are currently carrying out a consultation with key partners and others who are keen to see our work continue and to be collaborators in the consortium going forward.

Help please: if you have enjoyed or benefitted from anything we’ve done so far, and would like to add your support to our future funding bids, simply send us a short quote that we can use. Something along the lines of ‘UAC provides us with…’ or ‘we have appreciated how…’ or ‘we have really enjoyed…’
Thanks. Please send to: